Clinical Application Specialist (EMR) l Multi-award Winning Company / 臨床應用專家 (EMR) l 屢獲殊榮的公司
4 weeks ago
- 成為熟練的醫療保健臨床解決方案專家/培訓師/顧問/教育家/作家
- 成為馬來西亞發展最快的數位健康轉型解決方案提供者/開發公司之一的一部分
- 這是一個向最優秀的人學習的機會
- 根據經驗,您將獲得良好的基本薪資。
- 公平的工作與生活平衡。
- 彈性工作選項
- 戰略位置-安全的環境
- 績效獎金
- 有趣而舒適的工作場所和同事。
- 職涯發展機會
- 了解應用程式的流程並獲取應用程式及其相關模組的知識,擔任EMR 模組的顧問
- 帶領開發團隊根據與使用者商定的業務需求客製化/增強模組
- 成為與客戶相關 EMR 模組的主要聯絡人
- 能夠透過現場或線下演示展示 EMR 模組,並在專案實施期間為最終用戶舉辦培訓課程
- 能夠建立新的培訓材料或改進現有材料,例如 EMR 模組的 PowerPoint 簡報或培訓手冊,供最終使用者在培訓課程中使用
- 能夠獨立前往客戶現場或與團隊進行售前活動、業務需求研究 (BRS)、培訓師培訓課程、用戶驗收測試 (UAT) 和上線活動
- 候選人必須至少擁有醫學/護理學士學位/研究生文憑/專業學位或同等學歷
- 尋找具有在當地私立或公立醫院擔任醫生/護士/專職醫療人員的經驗,並且有興趣轉行到健康科技公司擔任臨床應用專家 (EMR)/顧問角色的個人
- 優秀的溝通能力
- 能夠在團隊環境中獨立和協作工作
- 所需語言:英語(必修)
- 無需輪班工作。
- 我們提供每週 5 天的工作時間。
- 我們實踐充滿活力、充滿活力的辦公室文化。
- 享受工作與生活的平衡
- 與工作經驗相稱的非常有吸引力的薪水。
- 我們為員工提供安全的環境
- 我們的辦公室配備24小時攝影監控設備,確保安全
- 我們有 24 小時停車場,全天候有人看守
- 我們提供公司內部職涯發展的機會。
- 我們在著名的酒店/餐廳或內部舉辦年度晚宴,以感謝我們所有員工的辛勤工作。
- 我們將盡可能安排每年的本地或海外公司旅行。
- 佣金和獎金
- 津貼(旅費、交通費等)
- 附近的公共交通
- 中心位置
- 彈性的工作時間
- 休閒著裝要求
- 免費小吃/歡樂時光
- 定期團隊活動
- 公司旅行
- 醫療保險
We are a people company that inspires young talent software developers and designers to make a positive difference in developing innovative and creative healthcare application software solutions of internationally recognized.
Our mission is to make an impact by becoming a household brand in the healthcare industry and focusing on the long term and trusting relationships with our customers, the main ingredient of successful project implementations and longevity
Many healthcare providers are facing difficulties in operation efficiency coping with the increasing volume in servicing their patients. With our Digital Transformation strategies, we help doctors and nurses in making instantaneous decisions using our intuitive software application through modern devices such as mobile tablets having all information in one single dashboard point of view connected with all other systems such as laboratory information systems, radiology information system, financial information system, drug database, medical devices such as vital signs monitor and many others instead of relying on papers and traditional manual physical patient medical records. We focus on perfecting it for their use that’s how we achieved a 100% adoption rate from doctors and nurses from day 1 upon system Go-Live in all our implementation because of ease of use uniquely designed supporting handwriting notes using a stylus pen and making selections from personalized favorite templates. By allowing customization and with our ongoing R&D in our design making our system becomes more flexible in configuration, we reduce the cost of paper and medical records handling at least by 95%, reduce medication errors and improve the operational efficiency across all departments besides cost saving in not having to change the system every few years because most solution vendors failed to deliver to meet the ongoing demand of business process changes over time. Origin is the leading healthcare solution provider with the largest implemented market share for Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in Malaysia having successfully implemented and replacing our competitors’ systems in more than 20 hospitals in the region both standalone and group hospitals supporting multi-languages and consolidation through data warehousing with dashboard reporting. Our customers are Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre, Sunway Medical Centre Velocity, Assunta Hospital, Putra Group of Hospitals, and many others.