discover job opportunities through facebook friends at announced today the launch of, a website for jobs with a radically new approach. Instead of algorithms, Pinjobs matches job seekers with more relevant jobs through their Facebook friends. In beta since November 2013, now has nearly 100,000 available jobs every month.

"Pinjobs is the most powerful job site to search jobs through my Facebook friends, and it's incredibly simple to use," said Daniel Wilson, a fresh graduate from New York University. "At Pinjobs I can search for jobs at my friends' companies and send private messages to inquire about the openings... I am recommending Pinjobs to each and every one of my friends."

Integration with Facebook helps Pinjobs move a step closer to the services provided by LinkedIn. "Pinjobs is highly recommended instead of others," Daniel added. "Because all my real friends are connected on Facebook."

"We've already received fantastic feedback from job seekers who are finding jobs they otherwise would not have found," said Anson Wang, Co-Founder of Pinjobs. "Pinjobs's social networking search technology was designed with the benefit of years of tracking job seekers' online behavior. Our approach ensure that job seekers are returned the freshest, most relevant jobs from any search through their facebook friends."

With more than 20,000 top firms and 100,000 new jobs every month, Pinjobs has become one of the fastest growing jobs sites in the market. Companies such as Google, Yahoo, vmware, Groupon, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Ebay, Alibaba, Square and others are currently hiring on

David Vaughn from Samsung Group said, "Pinjobs significantly changed our hiring approach. Hiring used to be disorganized and inefficient, now with Pinjobs things are going faster and efficiently."

"Hiring is a critical mission for every company, yet we know we have problems in our hiring decision making. It's just always been really hard to identify and hire the right candidates." He continued, "Pinjobs makes it easy for us to take advantage of the candidate's Facebook profile and the ranking system to make a right decision." is live and employers can sign up for a 20% discount at