Company Overview
Galitek Engineering Sdn. Bhd was incorporated and managed by a group of people who have a blend of experience, technological expertise, skills and business acumen. Galitek Engineering Sdn. Bhd is mainly an integrated producer and services provider for medical support system, gas pipeline system, maintenance gases system and gas equipment trading and civil work.
Galitek Engineering Sdn. Bhd activities have been diversified to medical, industrial, electronic, oil & gas, petrochemical plants and LPG consultancy development. Galitek Engineering Sdn. Bhd main objective is to serve the needs and aspirations of Malaysia within the frame work of the national development and related industries. Galitek Engineering Sdn. Bhd philosophy is to provide responsive, realible and quality to our clients. Our services and solutions address
the needs of our clients. We are very optimistic over the continued growth and expansion of the
group as we forge forward to meet the many and difficult challenges that lie ahead. By this profile, we hope that our client and associates will have the basic introduction to our operations and to our established and future business associates, we are confident to extend our service to your satisfaction wherever you need our expertise and experiences.